Card Sorting
Card sorting is an invaluable tool that helps you understand how participants organize content. Why is this important? Having an intuitive navigation and well organized content will help customers easily find what they’re looking for and spend less time aimlessly clicking around. Regularly conducting card sorts will improve your website navigation and content find-ability.

Gain access to a comprehensive card sorting platform with PlaybookUX
Setting up your project

Access to the PlaybookUX participant panel
Recruit from a panel of over 5 million vetted participants, backed by an industry-leading fraud prevention program. Our robust participant platform matches participants with projects that fit their profile.

Screener survey
Qualify participants with single and multi select screener surveys. Reduce bias by randomizing the answer choices for multiple/single select test questions and screener questions. Once your study is live, we'll surface where participants are disqualifying on your screener questions so you can make edits on the fly.

Personalize Instructions
Customize the welcome page, study instructions and thank you page to give your card sort a personal touch.

Test with our participants or your own
Use the PlaybookUX panel to recruit participants for your card sort. You can choose from a variety of demographic filtering and add screening questions to find niche participants. Additionally you can send your own customers a link to participate in the card sort.

Approval roles
Admins can designate that certain team members require approval prior to launching a project. Someone with the "Needs approval" role won't be able to launch a study without getting approval from an "Approver", ensuring quality research governance. Alternatively, admins can exclude certain people from the approval flow.

Consumer and professional targeting
Target both consumers and professionals by age, gender, income, job title, industry and company size (among many other filters) and get more specific with screener questions.

Open, Closed & Hybrid
Conduct open, closed and hybrid card sorting studies. Open card sorting is used when you’re creating a navigation from scratch. Use a closed card sort when you’re adding new items to an existing navigation. A hybrid card sort is used when your navigation is partially complete.

Flexible Settings
Customize the card sort to meet your objectives and reduce bias. Randomize cards & categories and add tooltip descriptions to describe cards that may not be intuitive. Additionally, you can add images to cards.

Card sorting with or without a recording
Conduct a card sort without a recording or include it in an unmoderated or moderated session.

When you're using the PlaybookUX panel, you can set up segments to ensure exact demographic quotas.

Test Images
Conduct a card sort with images. You can add labels or tooltip descriptions to the cards to make it easier for participants to sort.

Custom consent forms
Skip the hassle of collecting confidentiality and consent forms prior to the session and upload a custom consent form to PlaybookUX. Participants will read and agree to the consent form prior to participating in your study.

Saved audience
If you’re using consistent demographic filtering and screeners, set up a saved audience to save time on your project setup.
Analyze your project

Card View
View the list of the categories that individual cards were placed in. Understand the number of times that card was sorted into unique categories and a list of the category names.

Similarity Matrix
Use the similarity matrix to uncover correlations between cards.

Share, download & export projects
Full projects and reports are shareable with a password protected link. Additionally, you can export project data.

Category View
This view displays a list of categories and the cards that participants sorted into them. You can also see all categories created by participants (applicable for open and hybrid card sorts). You’ll be able to merge similar categories together.

Visualize the correlations between cards with dendrograms. Dendrograms help you make more informed grouping decisions.

ISO 27001, ISO 27701, SOC 2 Type II
PlaybookUX prioritizes data protection and adheres to the highest security and privacy standards. Check out our security center to discover how we safeguard your information.

Merged Matrix
The merged matrix allows you to standardize categories. It helps you view similar categories that you’ve combined so you can make grouping decisions.

Build your own reports
Create custom summary reports to present to team members. Reports are shareable with a password protected link.
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